Bible Wonderland
Bible Wonderland Bible Wonderland
Bible Wonderland Bible Wonderland Bible Wonderland Bible Wonderland
Bible Wonderland
Pentecost Word Puzzle

This story can be found in Acts 2:1–2

On the Jewish feast day called Pentecost, all Jesus' followers were together when SUDDENLY, from Heaven, a sound like a great wind was heard.

This sound filled the whole house! And then, amazingly, something that looked like tongues of fire appeared and rested on each and every one of them!

When this happened, God's Holy Spirit filled them and, because of this, they were all able to speak in other languages! And they did! All of them!

A large crowd of people were there who came from all over the world. They heard this commotion and were amazed.

Why? Because when the listened to Jesus followers telling of God's power - they heard them speaking in their own language!

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